ABACUS Customers

Trusted by thousands of companies in over 100 countries.

Avolution’s ABACUS supports successful enterprise architects in organizations across all major industry segments including Finance, GovernmentInfrastructure, Transport, Energy & Mining, Healthcare, Technology, Education, Consumer and Consulting. Enhancing collaboration, digital business strategy and analysis across your enterprise.


ABACUS Customers - Ameritas
ABACUS Customer - Banco de los Trabajadores
Standard Chartered ABACUS Customer
ABACUS Customers - UTS

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The application landscape and roadmapping exercise have given us a language to use between IT and the business.

“The architecture team can bring attention to where there are gaps, where to save time, automate a process or reduce costs.” –Sophos

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Avolution has clients in over 100 countries.

Below is a small selection of ABACUS users across a variety of industry segments:

ABACUS-Customer-informaticia ABACUS Customer - Banco de los Trabajadores ABACUS Customers - Telkom Modern Woodmen ABACUS Customer Universidad Continental ABACUS Customer
ABACUS Customers - Network-Rail ABACUS Customers - Bank of Ireland ABACUS Customers - Ameritas
ABACUS Customers - Government of Western Australia ABACUS-Customer-NXP Standard Chartered ABACUS Customer ABACUS Customers - UTS Raymour Flanigan ABACUS Customer
ABACUS Customers - University of Edinburgh ABACUS Customers - Metro ABACUS Customer Enstar UC Health ABACUS Customer
ABACUS Customers - BNZ ABACUS Customer State-of-California Rady-Children-Hospital ABACUS-Customer-Camelot MedImpact ABACUS Customer
ABACUS Customer Seal-of-State-of-Washington ABACUS Customer Lonza Sophos

ABACUS helps IT deliver business value with reduced effort and risk”

– Manager Application Development and Business in the Manufacturing Industry

“Ability to import, present stakeholder views and analyse data is impressive

– Solution Architect in the Services Industry

“Very strong tool with loads of features and flexibility, with great support from vendor”

–  Security & Compliance Manager (Global technical design) in the Manufacturing Industry

“Implementation was fast with immediate business value

– Senior Director of Industry Data & Insights in the Finance Industry

“Ease of usage and flexibility makes you powerful

–  Architect in the Finance Industry

Independent Reviews Made on Gartner Peer Insights

Join 1000s already using ABACUS.

If you would like to find out how ABACUS can enhance your enterprise architecture and digital business strategy, please contact us below and we’ll back to you as soon as possible.

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