ABACUS ranked #1 in comparison of Enterprise Architecture Management tools

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ABACUS ranked as market leader in a comparison of Enterprise Architecture tools by independent analyst firm.

The ABACUS enterprise architecture tool has received the highest score of 19 Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) tools reviewed by independent business and IT consulting firm, SYRACOM AG.

ABACUS ranked best-in-class for “Functional Completeness” and was awarded the highest available marks in 13 out of 16 categories.

The Syracom Enterprise Architecture Tool Survey 2015 said:

“A huge part of EAM’s success in the last two decades is due to the increasingly powerful Enterprise Architecture Management Tools that make Enterprise Architecture Management more efficient and effective.”

Syracom Architecture Management Tool Survey 2015

Avolution’s Dr Tim O’Neill said:

“Syracom’s survey is a great validation that enterprise architects who use ABACUS can move very quickly to deliver value, provide advice and guide the business towards its goals.

“Our clients model systems and processes, run analytics and roadmaps for digital transformation. Companies gain insights which boost customer experience, reduce costs, ensure cybersecurity, manage risk, and run systems efficiently.

“A key feature of ABACUS is that we’ve made it very quick and straightforward to get data in and out of the tool: you can round trip with MS Excel, Visio, SharePoint, CMDBs and many other sources.”

The Syracom survey was based on a detailed assessment of enterprise architecture management capability, metamodel features, customization, filter & search, visualization, import/export capabilities, reports, process management, user management and strategy.

An extract of the survey is available here, and the complete survey can be purchased at www.syracom.de


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ABACUS is used by companies worldwide to manage Enterprise Architecture, IT and Business Strategy and Digital Transformation. ABACUS users deliver insights and value quickly: 

  • Import data in minutes from SharePoint, Excel, Visio, Google Sheets, Technopedia, ServiceNow and CMDBs, etc.
  • Choose an off-the-shelf framework or metamodel or configure a metamodel specific to your enterprise  
  • Analyze your architecture using algorithms for metrics such as TCO, Performance, Availability, Agility etc. Create future state architectures and roadmaps 
  • Report with rich visuals including heat maps, treemaps, timelines, lifecycles, capability spaces, trade-off diagrams, charts and dashboards 

ABACUS supports Enterprise Architecture (EA), Application Portfolio Management (APM), Enterprise Portfolio Management (EPM), Business Process Management (BPM), Customer Experience (CX), Solution Architecture (SA), IT Service Management (ITSM), Business Intelligence (BI), and Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC). It is available either on-premise or as a browser-based SaaS tool. 

Press Enquiries:
Communications Manager, Avolution E: [email protected]   

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