
Avolution Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

Statement of Intent

This statement is made on behalf of Avolution Limited pursuant to Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. References to “Avolution”, “we”, “us”, “our” or the company are to this entity.


Avolution is committed to the highest standards of professionalism, ethical behavior, and integrity in everything we do and to contributing to the wellbeing of communities around the world and has a zero-tolerance approach to all human rights abuses. In this, we are committed to opposing modern slavery in all its forms, and do not tolerate it either within our business itself or within our supply chain.

Our Organization Structure

Avolution Limited is an affiliate of Avolution Pty Ltd, a global company operating through a number of separately constituted legal entities which license and sell software, cloud services, support and certain professional services (“Services”) in accordance with the relevant laws of the jurisdictions in which they respectively operate.

Avolution is a technology services business, which predominantly employs professionally qualified and highly skilled people. Our supply chain consists of goods and services procured to enable our employees and contractors (“Personnel”) to deliver the Services and information technology. We continue consider the risk of Modern Slavery occurring within our business and supply chain to be low.

Our Policies

Avolution is committed to being a responsible business and, as part of our commitment, we produce an annual Modern Slavery Statement. Avolution confirms its commitment to respect and support international human rights. We comply with all applicable employment laws relating to Personnel terms and conditions, including pay. The company is committed to the following core values in connection with our Personnel:

  • we value diversity and respect for the individual;
  • we believe in teamwork for the good of our company and our customers; and
  • we believe in the development of all our Personnel and rewarding achievement fairly.

Avolution is committed to developing the capability of our Personnel and help them to realize their potential by achieving a consistently high standard in managing, training and supporting them and developing their careers.  Other policies which contribute to and support our approach to the identification and prevention of modern slavery in our business supply chain include:

Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Encourages all our people to value diversity and respect each person’s individuality, and to ensure that no Personnel member, partner, job applicant, ex-employee, customer or third party receives less favorable treatment on the basis of color, race, nationality, ethnic or national origins, sexuality or gender, disability age nor religion or belief.

Code of Business Conduct

Embodies the key ethical obligations of the company and our people and is all pervasive in everything we do and in all our dealings, whether directly related to the provision of Services or otherwise.

Open and No Retaliation Policy

Our Code of Business Conduct affirms our commitment to allowing individuals a confident means for disclosing suspicions or knowledge of possible impropriety to protect the company, its brand, Personnel and customers by delivering an early warning when something goes wrong. This includes matters pertaining to our supply chain which would include modern slavery.

Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy

Sets out the company’s rules and what is expected of all our Personnel, vendors, suppliers and all third-party service providers in all dealings with us on our behalf.

Our Supply Chains and Due Diligence Processes

Avolution expects our vendors and suppliers to adopt the same high standards that we adhere to and have fair employment practices. This is reflected in our Vendor Code of Conduct with which we expect our vendors and suppliers to comply. The Vendor Code of Conduct specifically requires, amongst other things, that our vendors and suppliers ensure their employment is freely chosen, child labor shall not be used, living wages are paid and working hours are not excessive.  Our principal third party suppliers are businesses which supply products and services related to IT and technology needed to develop and deliver our products and services to customers.

To initiate the process of identifying and assessing any actual or potential involvement in modern slavery in our supply chain, our international procurement team have categorized suppliers according to factors that might indicate a high risk of modern slavery, including the location from which services are provided or goods are manufactured and the sectors or activities which present a high risk of modern slavery. To do this we have drawn on human resources, legal and human rights expertise and sought to involve meaningful consultation with relevant stakeholders. We have applied this method to supplier data captured by our international procurement team and will continue to build on this to gain visibility further into our supply chain.

Key suppliers to Avolution also submit information about themselves via our standard supplier and vendor pre-contract questionnaire process, to which questions have been added to assess a commitment to operating a fair and ethical workplace and identifying potential issues relating to modern slavery. Our procurement team can use this data to assess risk and inform decisions when selecting suppliers.

Our standard contract terms contain a clause by which suppliers commit to respecting and supporting international human rights and undertake that they will comply with their obligations under the Modern Slavery Act or any other similar legislation. We also reserve the right to terminate agreements with immediate effect where the supplier commits a material breach, including a breach of any law relating to modern slavery and human rights.

Performance Indicators

We have identified that the parts of our business and supply chain that carry a potential risk of modern slavery are predominantly those which involve smaller suppliers providing goods and services outside the UK. The steps we are taking to assess and manage these risks are outlined in this statement.

We formally and regularly meet and confer with each of our key suppliers. The frequency of these meetings is dictated by a number of factors, including consideration of the risks posed by involvement in modern slavery. Our standard contract terms contain a contractual right to audit our suppliers.


In relation to modern slavery, we have begun integrating findings from our assessment, referenced above, across internal functions and processes. This includes by raising awareness and understanding of potential risks and how to manage those risks across relevant business functions, specifically our risk, compliance, procurement and responsible business teams.

We have developed and delivered appropriate training on modern slavery risk to the key teams and individuals within the company who are responsible for procuring goods and services and managing suppliers. This training deals with how to identify high risk areas and suppliers, and how to manage potential issues. Based on engagement with key stakeholders the training will be updated to reflect the specific needs of our sector. We are also developing suitable training solutions on business and human rights for the generality of our Personnel relevant to their role and function, and for the future induction of those joining our company.

Avolution Software Accessibility Statement

We help our clients understand and plan their organizations using enterprise modeling, visualization and analysis.

Avolution Software is committed to digital accessibility, and to conforming to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, Level A and AA and complying with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) effective communication requirements, and other applicable regulations.

To accomplish this, we have partnered with eSSENTIAL Accessibility to administer our accessibility program and oversee its governance. Their accessibility program evaluates and audits our digital products on an ongoing basis in accordance with best practices and is supported by a diverse team of accessibility professionals, including users of assistive technologies. The platform, moreover, goes beyond minimum compliance requirements by making an assistive CX technology application available to customers who have trouble typing, gesturing, moving a mouse, or reading. The application is free to download and it incorporates tools such as mouse and keyboard replacements, voice recognition, speech enablement, hands-free/touch-free navigation, and more.